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Damn, wish Richard was dateable.

how the heck is he still single

(1 edit) (+1)

Xou should definitely include a manual save option, because - for me - I don’t always have time to read through more than a few lines

PS. I’m mentioning this for future updates, as the intro was rather short, but still enjoyable 😋


This was really fun, I hope it gets an update soon. I'm excited to see how the relationship develops.


Totally love their dynamic! Can't wait to see more of them.


I'm sorry but I love that his name is Richard so he's Dick Dickinson.

This was fun, I'm excited for more quizzes and content to be added!


Hehe, glad you caught onto that! I was trying to go for a cheesy porn vibe with the names and the title. Thank you for playing it!


I absolutely love the Venn diagram of 'cheesy porn', 'actually educational', and 'aw, what a sweet moment' that this game masterfully succeeds at achieving!